Digital Hands Africa

About Us

Who We Are

We are a team of professionals from multiple disciplines, who are driven by the singular mission of Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders, Thinkers and Doers.

What We Do

Our mission is to better prepare the next generation to tackle to challenges of the world they inherit.

We deliver AI powered e Learning programs to equip youth with 21st century employability skills bridging the gap between formal education and industry demands; enabling them to successfully navigate the job market, think outside of the box, challenge accepted paradigms and question everything.

Leveraging our extensive experience in accelerating economic development through Digital Marketing, social media and E-Commerce training we work with micro and small enterprises (MSEs) to pursue economic opportunity and build resilience in emerging markets; thus, facilitating the growth and uptake of Information and communications technology (ICT).

Why We Do It

The simple answer is: Because it needs to be done.

In today’s rapidly evolving innovation economy, where needs and opportunities shift swiftly; it’s essential for our youth to possess a mindset that empowers them to identify opportunities, show initiative and innovate amidst challenges.

There are challenges and issues that the current educational system is woefully inadequate in preparing our young people for. It is in this gap between what they are being taught in school and what they need to know that we stand.

How We Do It

We leverage on the power WhatsApp chatbot to equip learners with skills required to navigate the future job market, fostering a globally competitive workforce.

We also provide a robust online practical training course designed to build capacity, digital and entrepreneurship skills that supports program participants from concept to launch and beyond.